Thursday, August 30, 2018

Zorro Circle

“Is that in your Zorro circle?”

I went to a leadership training with my company earlier this year. Shout out UnitedHealthcare for taking time to invest in me. Anyway the reason I wanted to talk about this topic is that the Zorro circle part of the training was a game changer for me. Not just in my job as a supervisor but on a personal level because I literally use this in my day to day life.

How does it work?

Well we have a cool video I cannot show you that explains it well. You can CLICK HERE to read up on how this works in practice.  The gist is that you should limit your circle to what is in your control and if something is out of your control put it outside your circle. For example you are on the phone with a crazy customer. Them being crazy is not in your circle of control at all but how you react is. That is what the circle is all about. Do not stress about the stuff outside that circle.


How can I practice this?

Start with a piece of paper. Make three columns. In the first column put your stressors. In the second column put what about that is in your control. Third column what is outside of your control. Example: (1st) My computer keeps dying is the stressor. (2nd) What is in my control? Calling the help desk. (3rd) throwing my computer out the window or replacing my computer.

Now fold that paper over and hide the third column. Nothing you can do with that. Focus on column two and what you can control. Make small tasks based off of that column. For this example above calling the helpdesk and taking screen shots of the issue is something small I can do. Or I could see when my computer is up to be replaced is a small task I can do as well.

It is really all about perspective and if you can narrow your focus there is nothing you cannot do. So... Is that in your zorro circle? 

Until next time,
XoXo Emily


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