Monday, January 14, 2019

Instant Pot Learning 101

Okay it's time we talk about it. You have your instant pot the hot gift of the year and you have no idea what to do with it now right? I have had numerous friends and co-workers ask me for advice on how to not only use the dang thing but what to do. So I thought a post about it was needed. I will admit I never bought a pressure cooker because my mom told me a horror story about one and I was terrified. I have always wanted one though. Let's not be scared let's do this!








Let's start with the basics:

1. You need to follow the set up instructions in the directions.
2. Once you do all the prep work to make sure you are not missing any items you need to do a test run. This is important to make sure your Instant Pot is not faulty. No one wants it exploding all over the place. Steps below if you need them.
3. Okay you ran the test cycle and now you are like ready right?

Here are all my favorite tips:

  • Make sure if you saute anything before pressure cooking you deglaze your pan with some sort of liquid. This prevents the dreaded BURN notice that will come up. The Instant Pot has a sensor that is really picky and if it thinks something is burning it will tell you so and stop building pressure. When this happens to you... it will trust me. Stop your cycle and quick release any pressure you have. Check the bottom to make sure stuff is indeed not burning.
  • Also make sure there is enough liquid in the Instant Pot. Pressure cooking occurs when water heats up. If you do not have enough liquid you will have the BURN notice or the pot will not come to pressure. I always make sure to have AT least 1 cup of liquid.
  • It takes time to come up to pressure. If a recipe says 10 minute whatever it most likely is not including the time it takes for the Instant Pot to come to pressure. Sometimes my pot takes as long as 5-10 minutes to come to pressure. Then the pot will start counting down on your timer. As long as the pot says ON it will be building pressure. See picture.
  • There are two types of pressure release.
  1. Quick release is what I use the most. When the pot is done cooking it will sing a little song and you can then use a tool or a hot pad to turn the pressure valve from closed (pushed back to the left) to open (pushed to the right). Be CAREFUL when doing this you could burn yourself. I was freaked out to do this the first time because it releases fast and is loud. *sorry cats! I usually use a wood spoon to push it to release. Coming down from pressure times vary but usually about less than 5 minutes and it is safe to open.
  2. Natural release is in some recipes. The Instant Pot will sing it's little song and start to just release pressure now. This takes some time but you do not need to do anything at all besides watch for the float valve (silver metal little thing next to the pressure valves) for pressure to depress into the pot. Then it is okay to open.
DISCLAIMER-- do not ever force the pot open if the pressure is still in the pot. This is how accidents happen.
  • When the metal float valve is up pressure is in the pot. When it is depressed in the pot no pressure. There is an image of this on the top of the lid.
  • The Instant Pot app is awesome and has a ton of recipes. I also like Pinterest for recipes.

What types of things can you make in it?

I have some recipes on the blog already. Check those out I will be adding more as well. I really love how it has cut down on making things like soup and curry. I used to take up an entire afternoon on a Sunday making soup on the stove for like 3 hours. Now I can do it in half the time. I like making mashed potatoes, whole baby potatoes (so creamy in the inside), chili, soup, spaghetti squash, and I am trying to make ribs tonight!

Potato Soup

Peppers and veggies


I hope this post was helpful to you. Reach out to me if you need help I love helping!

Until next time~
XoXo Emily

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