Friday, June 28, 2019

2nd Annual Employee Engagement Picnic, Donating to Micah House & MDA Gala

This week was crazy, busy, rewarding, lovely, hot, stressful, magical, enlightening... I could go on forever but it was a whirl wind week that can only be summed up in one GIANT post. So hang onto your boot straps here we go!



2nd Annual Employee Engagement Picnic

My company is awesome. There I said it you can fight me about it later if you do not agree. We had our 2nd annual picnic sponsored by our site mayor (Shout OUT to Dawn)! This is such a time consuming event and it takes a large committee to put it together and execute each year. This year was fantastic. It was a little... okay a lot of hot but that did not damper the good times to be had by all. I will be honest I have like no pictures because my phone was playing Spotify the entire time for the picnic. Classic Rock was actually a big hit. I do want to say I work with some really awesome people.


Micah house donation

We always have a ton of leftovers after our annual picnic and we usually bring them to the homeless shelter. This year we did something a little different and brought it to the Micah house. This day time location a branch of St. John’s homeless shelter supplies the homeless with breakfast/lunch and a safe place to hang out/ get help/ find jobs etc. The even told us last week that they had UHC out to talk Medicare and Medicaid plans.

We thought this time we would try to get some pictures of all the food we donated as well as some of the volunteers. The homeless actually helped us bring some items in and were excited about the almond milk and fresh fruit! Two full car loads of donation that was not food waste!

Above are the pictures of our donations at the shelter and some of the volunteers. Vicki the lady with the bag in the above picture is so easy to work with if you ever need to donate!

MDA Gala

This is my second year attending this charity event. My company throws a huge fundraiser each year for them as well. We raised like something around $30,000 this year for them outside of this event in March. I love going to this event because it is for children and families and it really makes a difference with the money they raise. This year I had three of my agents from my team join me which made it even more magically for me. I just love this event. Here are some highlights.

There was a good turn out even with the crummy weather.

Uh... You could win $2,000 in booze. I was proud to take at least 9 people into $100 donations.

From Left (Jen, Anna, myself and Vicki) You rock team!

With my boss Tanya added in the middle.
I love a team that volunteers together!

You could win this in the raffle.

"I only had one drink at the gala I swear it."
Okay I promise I did not drink anything but diet pepsi.

Volunteer Badge.
I love donating my time, energy and money to good causes that bring others joy. It's time for the holiday and for me to recharge a bit now though.

Until next time~
XoXo Emily

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