Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Spread A Little Love

The last couple months have been rough for many reasons not only for myself but those around me. I want to talk about spreading a little love today and love language. Showing people you care does not have to be an elaborate affair and can be simple.

I saw this meme and honestly it was perfect for this topic today. Whenever I think of love languages and spreading love to others I try to think about how each person is unique and how we receive care from others or want to receive it can vary. A great burrito example above.

I am going to use my three pets for my real life examples today. Mostly because they are all so different and their personalities are a good life lesson on care.




She is 19 years old'ish. She is grumpy. She is high maintenance. She purrs like a freight train for only being 5 pounds and all fluff.

Love Languages:
Words of affirmation- She will talk at you all day and you will know if she is happy right away. She also likes when you talk back to her and chat with her. I can have entire conversations with her.
Acts of Service- If the grandma wants to lay on you she will get what she wants by perching herself next to you until you give in and let her climb on you for pets. She will not make you a burrito but she will purr for you and keep you warm. A good way to show love.
Receiving Gifts- She IS your gift okay! She loves eggs and chicken as gifts for her. She loves getting gifts but will give you none outside of cuddles. On her terms.
Quality time- She will give you the time she wants to give to you only. She cannot be forced to cuddle ever. Stella will give you a lot of cuddles if you want it. Especially face cuddles.
Physical Touch- Did you see the face cuddle comment above? She loves to give physical touch and get it. ALL The pets!


Luna is about 9-10 years old and pure fluff. In her older age she has become a sweet heart who is actually easy to care for most of the time.

Love Languages:
Words of affirmation-  Luna is a strange Husky. She does not talk really at all unless really excited or if she wants to come inside then she will yodel. Otherwise she is a silent shadow. She does like being talked to but I think she is mostly deaf now-a-days so she likes to hang out.
Receiving Gifts- Luna loves to get gifts. She like Stella enjoys chicken and eggs. Sometimes she will get a soft bone to chew on. She will only give you gifts of cute looks when she wants something.
Quality time- Luna will spend time with you in the same room as you. She likes to be by people or going on a walk but does  not want to lay next to you or need you to even be around. The only dog that does not greet you at the door in the world I am sure.
Physical Touch- ONLY on her terms and for pets only. She will not cuddle you and does not like if you hug her. She will give you cuddles really randomly which makes it special and she likes a pet from time to time. Not a cuddlier like Stella.















She is about 9ish and is twice the size of Stella. We are working on a little weight loss though and she is sliming down a bit. Looks like a little panther.

Love Languages:
Words of affirmation- She is a little chatter box once she trusts you. She talks to Ryan and I all the time. It took us a long time to gain her trust and now she does not shut up. She likes when I talk back with her and chat.
Receiving Gifts- She loves two things in life. Cool whip and tuna. Tuna is not good for her tummy so she rarely gets any gifts of food. We do have plenty of new toys for her and she does bring us gifts by trapping mice two times in our house already. Good kitty!
Quality time- She is much like Luna that she likes to give you time by being around but not being physically on top of you all the time. She likes attention when she wants it.
Physical Touch- She is special in this regard. She is skittish and it took me months to get her to let me pet her regularly. I can now pick her up and kiss her face (sometimes). I do not think I will ever be able to pet her tummy and she tempts you by laying all cute on the floor all the time. LOOK AT THAT TUM! I do love that she likes me kiss her little face now. I do that to Stella... a lot.

So why did I go through all that about a bunch of animals? Because animals are much like people in their needs for love. We all have different ways we like to receive a little love. Look around you with your friends and family. Are you giving them what they need and spreading love to them? This activity works for anyone and would be a good way to reach out to someone struggling to say: "How can I best show my love for you?" "Do you like gifts?" "Do you want quality time with me?" "Do you need a hug?" "Do I need to tell you what I really like about you?"

Something to think about today and really every day!

Until next time~
XoXo Emily

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