Thursday, March 28, 2019

Luna Eyelid Surgery

Whelp it has been an interesting 24 hours that is for sure and not just from our lack of sleep. Over the last couple months we noticed Luna had a little growth on her eyelid that was causing some discomfort that progressively got worse over time. She would paw at it and had a lot of runny eye discharge issues. Due to this issues the vet recommended we surgically remove the growth. We brought her in yesterday for her surgery in which they cut a triangle shaped part of her eyelid out and sewed it together. Similar to when you do the corner of upholstery on a chair. They used internal stiches and put a soft collar on her. We came home and she was her normal goofy husky self coming out of the drugs from being put under. A little loopy and whinny. She did really well resting till about 9pm when she stood up and I saw her lean in towards the couch. Sadly I could not get to her fast enough and she leaned into the couch with her soft cone on.

The following section is GRAPHIC and contains graphic content and pictures please be advised!

In this moment Luna looked over at me and her entire eye was covered and dripping in blood. She looked like a zombie dog to be honest. I did not know if she ruptured her eye or what I just knew something REALLY bad had happened. I rushed to her screaming for Ryan. At this point there was blood all over the floor and her. Lucky for me she had the soft cone still on and it caught a lot of the blood. I was shaking but managed to call the ER vet they said come ASAP and out the door we went with her. I legit was wearing insane leggings, crocs and left all the lights/TV on as we ran out the door. Fun fact my Netflix just kept playing the whole time we were gone.

When we got to the ER vet (shout out to them for staying calm) they took her back right away and managed to stop the bleeding. The girl at the desk did say "WOW  that is really bad." They wanted to keep her till the AM when our vet opened at 7:30am. So we kept her there till 6am and brought her home for a bit before our vet appointment at 8:10am. They replaced her soft cone with a hard cone which I think was a good idea.
Her hard cone cannot contain her floof!


I promise this looks so much worse than it is!

I love Dr. Jen at the De Pere Animal Hospital by the way. She is my favorite and has a way of calming me when I am out of my mind worried. She put some iodine in Luna's eye and shined a bright light in her eye. To our surprise she did not do any damage to her eye nor her stiches it just looks horrible right now. We were able to come home right away.

Resting on the floor with mom while she works.
Currently we are resting on the floor in my living room together. She is resting at my feet. She has woken up from sleeping and tried to paw a bit here and there but I am close enough to stop her from messing about too much. She gets her pain pills and a little snack at 1pm. If you want more updates check my Instagram I have been keeping the posts up to date on progress.

I think a PSA for this little story is a bit of a warning. I am a firm believer that pets are expensive. I know this as I have 3 special pets that have special needs and honestly I know they are expensive. Before you take a dive into pet ownership I highly recommend you do your research on the cost of surgery/food ect. I will be honest in the past year I have spent maybe $1,500 plus (and... counting) on surgeries alone for Luna. She was always a healthy dog but things happen and I took her into my family so her health is my responsibility.  I am lucky enough that I do not have children and I can afford to do these things for her. Just know that this is common for animals and you have to be prepared to shell out money regularly for their care. They are family we have to treat them like it!

I love my little pirate puppy and I cannot wait for her to heal up.

Until next time~
XoXo Emily

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