Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Mole Sauce

I did it!

I legit have a long list of recipes I love so much I crave them like all the time. Yet at the same time this long list contains things I cannot get in my little Midwest town on the regular AND also are complicated to make on my own. I got real determined middle of the week last week that I was going to make mole. Stay with me this is not a mole creature it is actually a sauce. CLICK HERE to read up on the history of this delightful sauce. Now the real crazy thing most mole sauce has at least 20 items in it and I am not joking when I say this was a labor of love people. Just cutting, washing and removing the seeds from the peppers was enough to make me want to take a nap. Usually in my food posts I put a recipe but lets be real you are never going to make this dish. If you do you better Facebook me proof because we will now be best food buddies. I actually did a ton of research and on a whim used a Pinterest recipe you can easily find on my page out there. Look for "Homemade Mole Sauce" as the title under my food and drink pins out there.

Some tips I guess I can share:

  • Be careful with the dried peppers they still have oil all over them and it is easy to get the oil in your eyes/mouth etc. Wash hands with cold water and soup after handling. Do not use hot water until after you scrub with cold because warm water will open your pores and your hands will turn HOT with chili oil. I speak from experience.
  • Honestly the longer this sauce can cook down the better flavor you will have.
  • If you are local go to Woodmans they have all the things you need. Not local find a Mexican market. I have a ton of spices and still had to buy like 5 more kinds for this.
  • If you do not own a hand blender/emulsion blender you should buy one... or ask for your birthday/Christmas because it makes this recipe soooo much easier than the blender.
  • Take the cinnamon stick out before blending. It made my emulsion blender make scary sounds till I turned it off and dug out the chunks. Yikes.
  • This is delightful over chicken (that is how we ate it with rice), pork, burritos, veggies.
  • I made a lot and froze some for the future since this is so labor intensive to make.



My recipe had like 23 items in it.

A lot of dried chilis are needed.

There is dark chocolate in there.

Starting the process with onion, seasonings and a ton of other stuff.

Ready to cook down.

This is after it cooked for like hours. It gets really dark when the chilis cook down.

I added the chocolate at the end. yum.

I mean.. hello.

I love it!
I am legit proud of myself for making this. I have been trying to really go out of my comfort zone lately and create some really complicated things. Now if only I could master grilled cheese. I struggle with simple not complex. Ha!

Until next time~
XoXo Emily

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