Tuesday, July 14, 2020

COVID-19 Self Distancing Week 16 Recap

It's July and it has been super hot. Which really complicates doing anything outside. I really like to be outside right now and not stuck in my house but unless you are on the water or it is late night you are sweating from just being outside I swear it. I should not complain it could be negative 20 outside. Ryan and I continue on and have been doing our best to navigate these challenging times. I keep thinking what would 2019 me think of 2020 me. I hope she would proud of how I am keeping my head on straight with the anxiety and stress that comes with functioning during COVID-19. 

Here are some of last weeks highlights. 

I have been working on my CSA baskets each week and getting creative with my items. This fun pasta was a great example. I loved the lentil pasta we got with our instacart order to supplement the local sausage from Maplewood Meats. 
Stella just loves to be outside all the time now. Chilling with mom on a break. 
I was late supervisor last week so I went for a walk early in the AM before it got scorching hot outside. This path through a local park is one of my favorites. I often see deer here. 
I have been craving egg salad for a couple weeks and lord knows I hate peeling eggs. Thanks Crystal Coffee for filling up my belly here with my craving. The even have a drive thru for safe pick up. 
I was spoiled and got Little Jamacia for dinner. Their curry.. Yum!
She is a beast and wants to steal my food all the time. Don't worry she is not allowed people food thanks to her touchy tummy. 
About two years ago these tiger lillies just showed up in my garden. I never planted them and they make me smile. 
Beets from the CSA basket. Roasted they were a delight! 
ALL local!!!! 
My boss is better than yours. Door drop gelato from my favorite place Sara's! 
This was smore and I have no idea what sort of magic they do where the marshmallows stay soft in it. HEAVEN! 
Cucumbers are starting to show up! 
Our garden this year. Hopefully the chipmunk living in the garden box does not eat all the produce. 
Pink hair!
We went to Badger State for their "drive-in" music series where you bring a chair and stay at your car for safety. It was a blast with a food truck (see pictures of food below), beer and music! 
WOW-- those plantations though! Caribbean Taste brought it!
He got a icee made with smoothie beer. 
This is their (Badger States) smoothie beer with hints of ginger. 
We cleaned the grill and taught ourselves how to fix the ignition issue we were having via Youtube. 
I still really love cooking over an open fire. Brats are the best over a flame. I recommend pre-boiling them a bit and finishing on the fire. Same with potatoes so good in the fire. 
Stella loves being outside. We gave in and got her a pet carrier. This one is from Petco and although more pricey it is waterproof and has a ton of awesome features we love. Plus when biking with her people don't realize with have a cat with us. I think I hate how people can walk their dogs but poor cats miss out on all the fun. Not Stella she is now a little travel buddy. 

We stopped and got carry out salsa/chips (El Azteca) and ate it outside on our blanket like a picnic for a break. We have started doing this at a lot of restaurants. I actually like it better than being inside some places. 

I really love that Ryan made us hammock stands in the back yard. Although it was a lot of work for him to do this I have used it to relax and read this summer. It's nice! 
Okay-- I love pickling its like my favorite and it can stink up your house when you warm up vinegar. Not anymore I decided to do it on the grill outside worked awesome! 

I love a good egg bake. Hint really coat the pan in oil/grease/fat of some kind. Your future self will thank you when your bake does not stick to the pan. 

I hope you are finding ways to have some good experiences in this crazy world right now. 

Until next time~
XoXo Emily 

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