Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Perfect Cup of Tea

I have an addiction. I openly admit it. My Grandma's best friend Carol turned me onto tea as a child when everyone else my age was getting into coffee everything and soda. I never turned back and I am not a bit mad about it. I am often asked what type of tea I drink and I will tell you it is rarely green tea. There is nothing wrong with green tea but I prefer my tea black. DARK and strong like you would drink a coffee topped with a small amount of honey. Now I will switch to white or green tea as well and I have been known to enjoy an oolong. I hope my terms have not overwhelmed you if you do not drink tea. It's funny because I often talk to people who tell me they do not like tea and I wonder where that comes from. Have you tried all the lovely types of tea and many ways it is served to know that. A lot of Europe and I know my heritage of Britain drink a lot of tea. It makes me sad that we do not do that in the states. I often wonder why that is? Is it because most of the tea bags we buy are icky and the dust at the bottom of bins of wonderful loose leaf tea. If you cannot tell I prefer to brew my tea loose and not bagged if I can. I actually made a delightful pot of (black) Earl Grey tea with lavender for breakfast today. I can be counted to have a pot a day or more. I switch to white or green that have less caffeine than black in the afternoon. I have an electric kettle at home and two tea pots I use to steep my tea. Yum!

I want to challenge you to go out and try some tea. Herbal, Chai, Earl Grey even a good Green Tea!

Some pictures of my favorite pots of tea I have over the years.

My newest tea pot (Amazon) and hand me down mugs from my grandparents.
Another mug from my grandmother. :)

Tea-- Earl Grey

The highlight of my tea drinking life. Tea service at the Grand Hotel.

Yummy Chai a favorite of mine!

Iced Chai is delicious too.

My tea set up at home. We actually have a beverage cart for our tea and coffee needs.

Thank you Katelyn for this fun mug!

This is my art mug Ryan got me for Christmas last year. Made by a local artist.

Thank you for this insanely awesome mug Maggie.

I use this mug at my friends cabin. Cute!
In closing try tea. Try all the kinds! Find something you love there is so much out there in the world.

Until next time~
XoXo Emily

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