It's time people. I am unsure why but having people tag me in
Anthony Bourdain's news story today really made me think... How is this surprising to people. But then I remember the sigma that surrounds mental illness. People tend to get angry or lash out at something they do not understand. I speak from experience of course. I think it is time that we take away the shame of living with a mental illness. Do you know what the most brave thing I have seen or heard of in my entire life? Watching those that are struggling with mental illness ask for help. That is something amazing.
It's story time and I have never been ashamed to talk about being bi-polar and no one with any sort of mental illness should be.
I have always struggled and knew I was different. I have been blessed to have extremely understanding parents especially my mom who made sure that even as a child I got the therapy and treatments I needed. She never gave up and never took no for an answer. I am sure she was told I was not normal and that I was broken many times but she always supported me through my manic episodes and never walked away. This is what you need to do for your children if they have a mental illness. Never give up on them and never leave. Therapy, being in special classes in elementary school this all helped me and helped me figure out proper coping methods. I also have to thank Liz Kussow and Katelyn Lowry my fearless friends who never left my side and let's be real being a teenager is hard and they were with me every step of the way.

Let's talk college quick. This is the perfect time for someone with mental illness to start to self medicate. I am talking drugs etc. Why do we do this people ask often? It gets to be too much. Have you ever been extremely stressed and not slept in 3 days. You just want to sleep you know what helps with that? Getting drunk. I once again had an amazing support structure in my boyfriend (now husband) and Maggie Haltvick my awesome roommate. I fought through the stress and was able to stay stable and earn my degree.

Now.... The other day someone said to me "you are always happy I have never seen you upset or angry." I thought to myself. Wow... That is interesting and I think that because we all know that is not true we are human and my brain works in a real different way not allowing me to always be happy. I am living in a good place in my life where my co-workers (shout out to Laura), my family, my frickin amazing husband and my friends are all always there for me. I no longer have to ask for help they seek me out and check on me and that is awesome.
Why do I bring all this up to you why do I share my story?
I want those that are struggling to know you are amazing. If you cannot ask for help right now it is okay but think about it. Even those of us that seem happy are struggling with you and you are not alone. To the family and friends of those struggling check on your loved ones. Do this and do not be afraid to bring it up directly. We need you. For those that are just confused about the whole thing stop making jokes about us. If you could do that simple thing we would really like that. "What is she bipolar or something flying off the handle?" That is not funny to anyone okay? Just stop it.
In closing try to be kind to someone today you don't know what they are struggling with. Peace and love.
Until next time~
XoXo Emily