Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Finding Some Zen/Peace

I am almost always an open book when it comes to how I function daily and there are many days I just struggle. It could be many things that cause me to feel derailed and I have found certain things can help me get back to a safe Zen/peace place. This month with my team at work I decided to share ways to keep the stress level to a minimum and I thought this was a good topic to touch on today with you all. What do you do to find that place daily?

Here is what I do throughout the week.



I hate to say this because I used to laugh at people that did yoga because it was not cardio and I thought it was a waste of time. As I get older though I realized that my core is really important to prevent injuries that I have received through the past couple years in my shoulders and back. Yoga not only helps me strengthen myself it forced me to relax and calm my mind with holding stretches and breathing. I use the down dog app at home and I love this at least 2 times per week. The perfect way to find a little Zen in your day.


Yep. I actually find it calming to chop up veggies and focus on creating. If I can fit in making a meal at home I do it. I recently got some new cookbooks and those are fun to use like this recipe pictured. Sometimes I free-style I did that last night using whatever is in my kitchen too. I really get a good Zen going while cooking.


 I mean Yoga is a form of exercise but I cannot leave out all the cardio I do all the time either. Whether it is skiing, Zumba, water Zumba, Biking etc. I like to really get into activity as a way to burn energy. When I do this I find I sleep better and my mind is more at peace.

Walking the dog

Walking Luna is peaceful. Especially after a snow fall. She cannot go as far as she used to so it is often a nice little walk. Last night it was so calm out and I wish she could have walked a little further.

A hot beverage

I drink tea all day every day. Your hot drink could be coffee, hot cocoa or tea. Having tea forces me to sit in the moment some times. The act of making a pot of tea is also really focused and that can often calm my nerves a bit too. 

Painting & Reading

I paint free hand but lately I have really got into paint by numbers but not like the ones you do when you are a kid. These are for adults and take me weeks to finish. This is one I did in fall that I will post about later that I finished. I am going to start a winter one soon now that I finished an almost 1,000 page book.  I love both reading and painting because my mind gets so calm I lose track of time sometimes. I get really calm and peaceful. I love both equally.


I cuddle my cat daily. It is relaxing for us both. Luna (my dog) is not one for cuddling but she loves being close to me which is calming too. If you have a pet make some time to get soothed by them if you can.

I hope you can take some time in this busy month to work on time for your personal Zen and reflect on what types of things can help you get there more.

Until next time~
XoXo Emily  

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