Monday, September 17, 2018

Walk For Wildlife

How fun was this event! I got really lucky as the sub in for my friend Laura's wife (also named Emily) who could not make it to this event. I loved it so much I need to go back next year. I mean where else do you get to pet wild animals, learn about them and help them all at the same time.

Here are some of the highlights from our walk on Saturday.

They started the event by releasing this guy into the wild!

A soft skunk. Honestly all the animals felt like my dog Luna's fur which was interesting.

A chubby little groundhog.

The smallest little falcon.

Lucy and Ricky.

Lucy painted a painting I bought so I was excited to meet her in person.

His name is Zorro. :)

Laura and I were able to feed him grapes super smart Raven.

I saw this little sweetie Petunia on the TV earlier in the week and was so excited to pet her. So soft.

Just taking a nap.

Be still my heart. My favorite. This little lady recently had her wing removed due to an accident. She was so beautiful.


No big deal just pet these deer like dogs.

This eagles name is Liberty.
I am so going to this next year. Let me know if you want to come with. With your registration you get a good walk in, some free food and a cool shirt. It was a BLAST!

Until next time~
XoXo Emily

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